Re-immigration to Italy

About an Italian engineer, formerly a part of the much-publicized brain drain, who has only recently come back to his country.

Location: Rome, Italy

24 August 2005


I am getting more and more convinced that I live in a third-world country.

I just got the strike calendar for the next two weeks (yes, everything is unplanned in Italy except strikes).

Take a read here for your joy and delight.

Now you don't need to know Italian to realise that the whole thing is about Alitalia, and is a hell of a mess.

Now a couple of questions to Alitalia's crew (which I'm sure will not be answered as usual).

First: your company has been on the verge of bankrupt for years and has only been saved by suspicious bank loans and public aid. Why the hell make it worse by not going to work? don't you think you are making things worse for yourself?

Second: if you don't like the way Alitalia treats, why don't you get the fuck out of there and go work for other companies? air travel is experiencing an unusual boom, and I'm sure you can get plenty of opportunities around. Or is it so that Alitalia employees enjoy many more privileges, higher salaries, lower working hours and less control than their counterparts who work for Lufthansa or BA?

I only fear that Mogadiscio will be offended about my nickname "SomAlitalia". In Angola things probably function better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac, did you remeber that I sent a complain letter to Alitalia about 1 month ago? Now, my question to you is "Did the reply to me somehow?" Should I answer?. Of course, NOT. Now every week I'm gonna send a fax to the customer care with a sequence number on top of it showing the status of my complain just in case they will get confused. SomAlitalia, your choice to be late or not to be at all.

24 August, 2005 18:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Complaining about things going wrong in Italy's way too easy... Pointing out inefficiencies in such a provocative tone may be fine in case it goes along with a positive attitude, i.e. let's work together to make things better. I'm sure this is your attitude. Otherwise, have you ever considered moving back to that flawless Country that is Finland?!?

30 August, 2005 14:36  
Blogger mac said...

Sure I'm positive, that's what all this blog is about. The fact is, I'm pretty sure that a large part of the woes of Italy derives from people being too lazy or content to note what's wrong. Italy is a great country to live in, but it's also a country that can really make you pissed off. That's the spirit of the blog, to get pissed off and shout out to the others that it's not paradise where we're living.

09 September, 2005 00:40  

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