Re-immigration to Italy

About an Italian engineer, formerly a part of the much-publicized brain drain, who has only recently come back to his country.

Location: Rome, Italy

29 July 2005

Alles verboten? steigen Sie aus!

Now here's an interesting piece of news from the most entertaining source of information north of the Alps: the Bild, by far and large Germany's largest newspaper in terms of circulation (it must also have the crappiest web site in the country, by the way - it looks awful in my Opera 7.54).

Oh, poor things, you Germans! you complain that we "spaghetti-eating Italians" forbid you to burp your lousy beers out in our beaches and go topless while we in your country cannot even visit a church without asking for a mortgage extension? you complain that you don't feel free anymore in Italy while we go mad trying to find a parking place in Baden Baden? (after penetrating three badly signposted pedestrians area I eventually did, for 15 euros a day!)

I have a solution for you: go to Benidorm. Get the hell out of here, and free up some parking space from your ugly Mercedeses for the benefit of those who actually accept our rules. If you're not happy with the way the Spaniards treat you, there's always Egypt (which will surely turn cheaper any moment now) or Dubai.

In any case, steigen Sie aus, bitte! We don't really need Bild readers down here. Long live Frankfurter Allgemeine!


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