Five wishes for the New Year
Haven't blogged that much lately, too busy with work and studies to spend my time ranting about things that anyway never change.
However, in sight of the new year (gee, how fast has 2005 gone!) I would like to bring out my own, personal five wishes. They concern my country and not myself, and they are entirely questionable, so feel free to post your own in the comment section.

1) See Fazio step down. I've been wishing for the same to happen earlier (scroll towards the end), so I don't have too much hope. However, the recent case with BPI has for the very first time in several years magically generated unanimous comments from all political forces. These comments more or less said: get out! I'm sure I'm justified when I wish for that to happen, too.
2) Witness the closure of Alitalia. This loss-making, chronically inefficient, structurally archaic company has showed that it cannot fly people from A to B in an economically sustainable way. Let's just shut it down instead of prolonguing its agony (and yes, I had said this before as well).
3) Show the world that we are a credible country by producing a proper plan to finally cut our emissions and adhere to the Kyoto protocol that we subscribed long time ago without purchasing emission quotas from other country (what the fuck is that mechanism there for?)
4) Run the Turin 2006 Olympic games without incidents and sell out all tickets - myself, I'm going. What about you?
5) Listen to whoever wins the election declare: "as a first thing we shall abolish all professional orders, starting from journalists, notaries and engineers". I have never said very much about professional orders, but I will. For now, let it suffice to know that they are a cancer of our society since they actively resist the process of changing archaic laws. One example: why on Earth do I have to go to a notary and pay him a fee in order to purchase a second-hand car???
I may not be posting for a while as I'm leaving to the North of the world on December 22. Back online in 2006: happy ending to all of you.
However, in sight of the new year (gee, how fast has 2005 gone!) I would like to bring out my own, personal five wishes. They concern my country and not myself, and they are entirely questionable, so feel free to post your own in the comment section.

1) See Fazio step down. I've been wishing for the same to happen earlier (scroll towards the end), so I don't have too much hope. However, the recent case with BPI has for the very first time in several years magically generated unanimous comments from all political forces. These comments more or less said: get out! I'm sure I'm justified when I wish for that to happen, too.
2) Witness the closure of Alitalia. This loss-making, chronically inefficient, structurally archaic company has showed that it cannot fly people from A to B in an economically sustainable way. Let's just shut it down instead of prolonguing its agony (and yes, I had said this before as well).
3) Show the world that we are a credible country by producing a proper plan to finally cut our emissions and adhere to the Kyoto protocol that we subscribed long time ago without purchasing emission quotas from other country (what the fuck is that mechanism there for?)
4) Run the Turin 2006 Olympic games without incidents and sell out all tickets - myself, I'm going. What about you?
5) Listen to whoever wins the election declare: "as a first thing we shall abolish all professional orders, starting from journalists, notaries and engineers". I have never said very much about professional orders, but I will. For now, let it suffice to know that they are a cancer of our society since they actively resist the process of changing archaic laws. One example: why on Earth do I have to go to a notary and pay him a fee in order to purchase a second-hand car???
I may not be posting for a while as I'm leaving to the North of the world on December 22. Back online in 2006: happy ending to all of you.