Behind Bolivia and Namibia

While browsing the 2006 press freedom ranking and I was not too surprised to find Italy lurking in the middle of the grey area that groups the partially free countries. Slightly more worrying was the fact that we were lagging behind countries like Bolivia and Namibia, which I have never visited but which are not usually quoted as models of democracy and liberty.
It is interesting to see what the detailed country report has to say about us:
Freedom of speech and the press is constitutionally guaranteed. However, media freedom remains constrained by the continued concentration of media power in the hands of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who, through his private media holdings and political power over the state television networks, controls 90 percent of the country’s broadcast media.
Oh, really? Let's continue:
In July 2004, the parliament passed the Frattini Law, which is intended to deal with the conflict of interest between the prime minister’s public office and his media holdings. The law stipulates that persons holding government office cannot “occupy posts, hold office or perform managerial tasks or any other duties in profit-making companies or other business undertakings.” Although this prevents the prime minister from running his own businesses, it does not prevent him from choosing his own proxy, including a family member.
Fine, we know this. But what is really the problem with the Italian press? I think I get it, in one small sentence towards the end of the report:
Most press outlets are privately owned but are often linked to political parties or run by large media conglomerates that exercise some editorial influence.
I believe this is key. It's not that Mr. Berlusconi owns so many TV channels and newspapers, nor that the law allows him to do so. The main problem here is that too many papers, radio stations, TV channels, advertisement companies, magazines, internet sites and so on and so forth have a political party behind. I have visited many countries for long periods of time, but I have never seen political parties permeate the daily life of a citizen as much as in here.
Now, for the joy of around 50.1% of Italians, Berlusconi has lost the latest elections. This means that a liberal, libertarian, centre-left government will be able to promote press freedom and finally pass a law that prevents concentration of power in the hands of government members or people with some influence.
Who wants to bet a lukewarm Heineken beer against a bottle of 1997 Brunello that they won't?
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