Countries I've visited
I just found a nice web page where you can create a picture of the countries you've visited! Here's mine...

To do the same try this page.
Having come to approximately 40% of the current average life expectancy for a male born in my country, and having been to only 17% of the countries in the world, it is evident that I should intensify my travelling.
To do the same try this page.
Having come to approximately 40% of the current average life expectancy for a male born in my country, and having been to only 17% of the countries in the world, it is evident that I should intensify my travelling.
has it ever come to your mind that visiting the whole lot definitely is not compulsory?
I can see no posts since May, 29th.. knowing you're in one of the world's hottest spots right now, I just hope you found either no internet connection or no time to write :D
kisses from florence
The U.S immigration system is broken and everyone has an opinion on how best to fix it. If you had your way, what is the first thing you would change about the immigration system?
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