Sorry I spoke clearly for once!

I was actually quite surprised, and in the positive way, when mr. Prodi, the candidate of the centre-left to the PM post in next spring's elections, spoke out on gay marriage and cohabitation. You can read a good summary of what he said here.
Now isn't that beautiful? he's a Catholic, but still says that there should be equal rights for those who make decisions that contrast with the Vatican's octuagenary policymakers' dictates. The statement was particularly juicy since it is also in sharp contrast with the enormous heap of useless crap that Prodi's gang has vomited on us during the last four years.
Being opposition to Mr. Berlusconi can't be that hard, one would think. Just read the papers, shoot and counterpropose something that actually makes some kind of sense. But the bunch of populist arms (surely stolen from agricultural tasks) that forms the leftwing coalition (?) has managed to fuck up even that trivial task, hiding answers to our questions behind multi-coloured peace flags. I can't even start thinking what they would do with real government issues.
So mr. Prodi's speech was a welcome breath of fresh air. Except it lasted for a weekend only. The uproar of the white togas from the Vatican raised the moods of all people from right to left. What the fuck? giving ordinary rights (such as that to unite themselves into marriage) to people that choose to live their way without any stupid and anticonstitutional law forcing them to live almost like drug traffickers or wannabe terrorists? isn't that a serious thing we should all fight against? Fuck all the other problems of Italy, this isn't going to become a law.
And there he goes back! today he releases a statement that has had me look for a needle to sew my testicles back, more or less saying: "I was misunderstood, I do not support gay marriage but believe in justice for all".
Bad show, mr. Prodi. You should have also apologized for your misbehaviour. Next time try something in the line of "Sorry I spoke clearly for once".
Thanks to all of you for the positive feedback - it's really appreciated!
oh mac, era uno spam!!!
Tesoro, l'ho capito, ma un pochino in giro li dovrò prendere anch'io.
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